Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in and Workout

My Weight is


That's better!  I'm just going to keep plugging away.  It's getting really cold so my motivation to go outside is shrinking.  Since my husband is a wrestling coach at the local school I'm hoping to sneak my way in to run in the gym. 

Until next week...... 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013



Yeah, that's right
I'm slowly gaining back the tiny bit of weight I lost.  I know why...I've been incredibly lazy and have made every excuse in the book not to work out...

As soon as I'm done posting this I'm going to bundle up and head to my little gym in my freezing garage and kick my own butt.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


My Weight is


I totally spaced it yesterday!  I did, however get an amazing amount of housework done, if that counts! So I gained back my flu pound :/ I'm actually surprised it isn't more the way my appetite kicked in after being sick!  

My workouts will have to be modified this week due to my foot being completely jacked up.  You should have seen me hobbling around Target doing my grocery shopping.  I'm pretty sure its a muscle or tendon since there is no swelling.  I'm going to do mostly upper body and abdominal work this week.  I'm going to easy into jumping rope and cardio as my foot allows.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Weigh-in and Workout Wednesday

My Weight is


Thanks to the stomach flu for helping me out.  I probably wouldn't have lost at all had it not been for that bug!  Hopefully I can keep that weight off and go from here!  8 lbs to go!!  I'm not posting workouts for this week since I'm still not 100% and I'm trying to catch up on housework and such!