Sunday, August 4, 2013

Roaring 20's part 3

We unloaded half our things into a storage unit and the other half into my parents basement.  They were, yet again, so gracious to let us stay with them for a few months while we saved up some money.  We put our bed downstairs and tucked A's crib in a large closet off of the main room.  I know that sounds terrible, but the closet was the size of the master bedroom of our old apartment!!  My husband began working with my father, learning the ropes of residential irrigation.  He was a quick learner.  He was able to install a system basically on his own within the first month and a half.  His smarts mixed with his confidence makes things effortless for him.  He truly amazes me.

We enjoyed the time with my parents but after several months it was time to venture out on our own.  We began the search for our first home.  I knew I wanted an older home and it HAD to have character. We went to look at the first house, which would end up being the one for us.  I LOVED IT!  A bungalow built in 1920 in a little town not far from where I grew up.  It had the original woodwork and hardwood floors under the dingy carpet.  We looked at a few others, but my heart was set on the little bungalow.  We bought the home in February and began work to make it our own.  My in laws (who are fantastic!!!) gave us some money to get everything the way we needed it to move in.  That May we were finally ready to move into our little house.
C and A sanding down the hardwood floors!

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