Friday, January 10, 2014

Hello 2014!!

Homestead Goals/Ideas for 2014

1.  Expanding the chicken operation-  We have had such good luck with the chickens that we are considering expanding the egg operation as well as getting meat birds.  The plan would be to construct a movable pen for the meat birds.  They take approximately 6 weeks to mature so the time commitment is small.  We don't want to do the butchering ourselves so we would take them to a group of Amish the butcher and package the chicken.  It would end up being $6 per bird to butcher and package plus the cost of the bird and feed.  We figured that it would end up being $11-12 a bird, which may be more than the store bought, but they would be antibiotic free and raised humanely.  

2.  Expanding the variety of vegetables in the garden- I would like to plant more of the staple veggies we eat like garlic, onion, sweet potatoes, regular potatoes and cauliflower.  I also want to plant more herbs and dry them so we have them through the winter.  

3.  I would love to construct a green house that can be used for cold hardy veggies like spinach and lettuces (although I've done very little research to figure out the best way to grow these through the winter).  

4. Get a dog!!!  We have been looking for small breeds that can track deer blood and is good with children, chickens and kitties!!  We are hoping to find what we want before next Christmas.

These are just a few of the ideas we kick around.  We may only take on one of these tasks this year since taking it slow is the name of the game around here.


  1. You're living the dream! Sounds amazing!

    1. We're very happy in the country. You couldn't pay me to move back to a neighborhood after being out here!
