Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I'm sure all of you are wondering where I've been for the last month or so.  You obviously sit around all day waiting for my oh-so interesting blog to be updated (laying on the sarcasm pretty thick, if you couldn't tell).  Two things I've learned over the past several weeks. First, I am easily distracted and second, I have no time management skills.  Let me explain...

Early in August my sister was on groupon.com and came across a deal to a local crossfit gym.  It included 3 intro classes and unlimited classes for one month.  She and my mother decided to give it a whirl.  They liked it and encouraged me to give it a shot, so I did.  It kicked my butt 10 ways to Sunday.  The day after my first real workout I wanted to curl up in a ball and die.  There were places on me hurting that I didn't even know existed.  My sister had been going for two weeks before I started.  Every time we would have a work out together she would say "This is by far the hardest yet".  I learned quickly that there was no such thing as an easy workout with crossfit.  I learned to love the butt kickings I got when I went.  The trainers were great.  The atmosphere was inviting and not so itimidating after a couple sessions.  If you live in the Greenwood Indiana area and have $100 a month to drop, I highly recommend IXF Crossfit.  Everyone there is fantastic.  My groupon deal ended and I had to decide if I was going to continue at the gym, which was amazing but out of my budget and a 35 minute drive one way, or if I was going to motivate myself to do this at home.  I chose the later.  My husband, who is very manly and attractive :), decided he would be my workout partner.   After a few craigslist and amazon.com purchases we have our at home gym.

My manly husband (sorry about the blurry pic!)

So far it's worked out well.  We have enough equipment to get us started.  Hopefully we will be able to expand it as time goes on.  

So if that wasn't enough to distract me from my blogging lets add in training for a 5K....

Run or dye with cousin Katie!  So much fun!!

Throw in a couple singing gigs.......

Me and my dad!!  He is the best!

on top of everyday life and there you have it.  I have the best of intentions with scheduling out my week and usually that all falls apart.  

I do hope to include some of my workouts into the blog.  I considered doing a weekly weigh in to post every Wednesday.  What better way to get motivated than to show off your weight to the entire world???  We shall see!  Thanks for your patience!  I'll be working on the time management/distracted nature and hopefully you'll be seeing more from me! 

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