Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Weigh-in and Workout Wednesday

My Weight is..


I think I'm headed in the right direction.  Now if I can just stay out of the kids Halloween candy over the next week!!  I'm 9.5 lbs from my goal with  2 1/2 months until vacation.  

The workouts are going well!  I am lowering my band assistance on pull ups from a large and medium band to a large and small band.  I am noticing a huge difference in my core strength and  upper body.  The only concern I have is that I want to push my limits and I'm not a great self-motivator. are my workouts for this week..

I always start with a 400 meter run plus stretches..

Today- 100 jump ropes/25 squats/25 sit ups/10 push ups/10 pull ups AMRAP for 20 minutes
Thursday- 200 jump ropes/400 meter run  x's 4 plus 50 squats and 50 sit ups
Friday-  100 jumping jacks/25 kettle bell swings/25 squats/10 push ups/10 knee raises
Saturday-  1000 jump ropes
Sunday-  1000 jump ropes
Monday-  50 sit ups/50 flutter kicks/50 squats x's 3 plus 500 jump ropes
Tuesday-  mile run 75 squats/50 sit ups/25 push ups/ 20 burpees/15 pull ups/10 knee raises

Friday, October 25, 2013

Homestead Friday Update!

Finally!  Our newest chickens have begun laying eggs!  We are getting 8-9 a day and expect more in the next month or so.

We had been waiting quite a while to see some eggs from our new hens.  We were seeing all the signs but no eggs!  We tried everything to get them laying.  Apple cider vinegar, putting golf balls in the laying boxes (tricks them into thinking there eggs and lets them know that is where they should be laying) and even setting up another laying area outside in case laying boxes in the coop weren't doing it for them.  Still no eggs!  We thought they were laying somewhere in the woods or around the perimeter of the house.  We searched high and low.  No eggs.

Then one Sunday evening some friends of ours came over to try let their daughter try out her new shot gun in our backyard (because you can do that in the country!).  As my husband moved the clay bird thrower away from the side of the garage....Jackpot!!

(He found 34 eggs in a pile right by the garage.  Chickens are sneaky little creatures!)

Now you are probably wondering if we ate the eggs, since they had been sitting outside for who knows how long.  The answer is yes and no.  There are certain techniques you can use to check to see if the egg is good.

1.  Float the egg in a mixing bowl of water.  If it floats or it bottoms up then it's probably not good.  
2.  If you crack the egg and the yolk immediately breaks or looks flat then pitch it.
3.  Of course if it smells and looks off then it's probably best to throw it away.  

We saved 26 of the 34 eggs.  We started with the floating method and saved the rest.  When we went to eat the others and they looked off we threw them out.  We probably ended up eating 15 of the 34 eggs.

Like I said, we are getting 8-9 eggs a day right now.  So what are we doing with all the extra eggs?  We hard boil one dozen a week, make frozen egg/cheese breakfast tortillas for the kids out of 2 dozen (which lasts us about 8 days) and we eat 1 dozen a week.  If we have breakfast for dinner, which we do every other week, then we use a whole dozen for that meal.  We heard of someone dehydrating eggs, so we may start trying that as well.  If we end up with more than we can handle, then we will start selling them!

Next Friday....Busy Bee update!  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in and Workouts

My Weight is....


I'm gonna get it together, friends.  I only have 2 1/2 months until vacation and I want to reach my goal. Time to resume the daily workouts.  I am going to change a few things though.  1. I have to do some type of workout everyday.  I can't take weekends off anymore.  It makes it too hard to get things going on Monday.  2.  I have to start planning every meal for every day.  I tend to flounder and end up eating crap and feeling like crap!  3.  MORE WATER!

Workouts for the week....

Thursday- 200 jump ropes/400m run x's 4 plus 50 sit ups and 50 squats
Friday- 100 jumping jacks/10 push ups/10 pull ups/10 knee raises x's 4
Saturday- 1000 jump ropes
Sunday 1000 jump ropes
Monday-  12 burpees/12 pull ups/12 squats amrap for 20 minutes   
Tuesday-  Mile Run for time 2:00 max rep (same as the first tuesday)
Wednesday-  500 jump ropes/50 squats/50 sit ups x's 2

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Homestead update....

When I was a kid we had a cat.  It's name was Christmas.  He was white with blue eyes and was completely deaf, if I remember correctly (correct me is I'm wrong, family).  Christmas was the spawn of satan himself.  That thing would hide behind corners and attack you legs when you walked by, scaring most of us half to death.  When we decided enough was enough we got rid of him.  We conned a farmer into taking him and putting him in his barn.  Christmas then proceeded to torment his german shepherd (which ended up running away) and actually scared the crap out of the farmer (i mean that literally).  Needless to say, Christmas had completely ruined me.  Cats, every single last one of them, came from the pits of hades.

So fast forward to last Sunday night.  I was coming home from a family gathering with the kids.  I was shuffling the kids out of the car and into the door when I heard a little tiny cry.  It sounded like a newborn baby.  It was coming from under my husbands work truck.  I hurried and got the kids in bed and went back out to see if I could coax it out.  It took off like a shot.  So here I am, in the pitch dark with only my phone flashlight, trying to catch this animal.  I'm sure I looked ridiculous.  It eventually jumped back up into the undercarriage of my husband's truck.  I knew I was fighting a losing battle, so I left it until it was morning.

When my oldest daughter found out there was a cat stuck up under the truck she made it her mission to catch it.  She is my animal lover and she didn't want to see the baby kitty hurt or starve.  She tried to stick her arm up in the truck and every time it would back away and hiss, just like you would expect a creature from satan to do.  She was persistent.  Finally the kitty made a break into the woods.  So my daughter (in my muck boots, her night gown and armed with a net) took off to catch it.  Sure enough she did.  "That thing is as fast as a bullet!!" she said.  The name Bullet.

He's a cute little thing, isn't he?  

Although I am not a cat person, what would it hurt to keep an outside kitty to catch mice and things?  I really wasn't the one that needed convincing.  It was my husband.  Eventually he agreed to keep him!  Those of you that know my husband realize this is a big deal.  My husband doesn't particularly like animals so much, which makes my homesteading aspirations a little more difficult.  I'm sure he'll come around.  

My oldest daughter and our homestead kitty, Bullet :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-in and Workout-

My Weight is..


I really blew it this week.  I went to 2 chili cook-offs this weekend, ate 6 chocolate chips cookies for dinner on Saturday (they were so delicious!!) and haven't worked out since the kids have been home for fall break!  Slacker!!  Where were the throat punches I requested when I screw up, people!!!  I fully intend to get back on the wagon for the remainder of the week!  I won't be posting my workouts today since I've been busy with kids and de-fleaing a new kitty we found.  I'll check back in next Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Weigh-in and Workout Wednesday..

My Weight is..


I'll take it!

I feel pretty good about the weigh-in today.  That puts me exactly 10 pounds from goal, but I know the last 10 pounds are the hardest.  Also, the workouts I do are bound to build muscle and decrease the amount of weight lost.  I'm trying to keep things in perspective.  It's not always about the number.  It's about the way my body functions and my energy levels.  I want to be able to have enough energy to get through my day and not crash.  It wouldn't hurt to feel ok in a bathing suit when I go on vacation this winter either!

I absolutely feel better.  I've changed my diet some to help with the mid day crash.  I drink only water, tea and one cup of coffee in the morning (unless its a free day then I may have a beer or glass of wine).  I have cut my carb intake and am trying to increase vegetables, which has been the hardest part.  I have definitely failed a few times this week, but I'm going to keep at it.  

My Workouts for the Week

Today-  200 Jump Ropes, Rest 1 minute x's 5 plus 60 sit ups, 30 push ups, 60 squats, 30 pull ups
Thursday-  400 m run, (10 knee raises, 10 burpees, 10 pull ups x's 4) 400 m run
Friday-  100 jumping Jacks, 50 sit ups, 25 push ups x's 2
Saturday- Rest
Sunday-  Rest
Monday-  400 m run, 200 jump ropes x's 4
Tuesday- (Same as last Tuesday)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Homestead Update

Quick Homestead Update!!!

1.  Our garden is pretty much done for the year except for some fall broccoli that is finishing up.  They aren't doing as well as our spring plants, but we may get a head or two from the 15 fall plants.  We froze several quart size bags of snow peas, broccoli and green beans.  We  also managed to can some tomatoes, pickles and jalapeno jelly which will last us until the next canning season.  We also have a bunch of jalapenos to slice and can, so hopefully that will happen soon.

2.  Egg production has been slow over the past 2 months, but is now starting to pick up!  A couple of our new chickens have started laying and more are going to begin to lay soon.  I know this for two reasons.  1)  They have been sitting in the laying boxes and 2) The rooster has been violently assaulting them on a regular basis which is a good sign yet very disturbing at the same time.  Hopefully within the next 2 months we should have a good supply of eggs!!

3.  Our busy bees are doing ok.  One hive has really taken off and we expect it to thrive through the winter.  The other two are not doing as well.  My husband is going to continue to feed them sugar water so they can build up their winter honey supply.  I'm crossing my fingers they make it.  It would be amazing to end up with 250-300 pounds of honey next summer!!

4.  Our goats...or lack their of.  My husband is still not sold on the idea of goats.  I'm going to wear him down though.  If nothing else, they are completely adorable.  I wouldn't mind the milk either!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Weigh-in and Workout Wednesday

Wednesday Weigh-in!

The Magic Number is....


So where do I go from here?  My goal weight for now is 135.  I figured if I can lose 1-2 lbs a week I will be more likely to keep it off.  This post is meant to keep me on track with a little accountability.  So if you see me eating donuts and drinking cokes you have permission to punch me in the face.  Ok, maybe not punch me in the face but feel free to call me out.  It will be worth it in the long run!  

Workout Plan for the Week

I want to try to workout 4-5 days a week.  Here is what I plan to do this week....

Thursday-  400m run/100 jump ropes x's 4
Friday-  100 jumping jacks/10 push ups/20 situps/30 squats x's 4
Saturday-  rest
Sunday-  rest
Monday- 10 burpees/10 pull ups/10 dips/200 jump ropes x's 4 for time 
Tuesday-  mile run for time plus 2:00 max reps for situps/pushups/squats/pull ups/jump ropes/flutter kicks
Wednesday-  100 jumping jacks/30 lunges/20 squats/10 pull ups/5 burpees x's 3

So how does this workout blog entry tie into homesteading, you ask?  Homesteading is about being as self sufficient as possible.  I believe motivating myself to get off my butt, spend no money, depend on no one and improve my health on my own fits in nicely with the homesteading life style.  

Thanks in advance for your encouragement!  Also, advice  and workout ideas are welcome!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I'm sure all of you are wondering where I've been for the last month or so.  You obviously sit around all day waiting for my oh-so interesting blog to be updated (laying on the sarcasm pretty thick, if you couldn't tell).  Two things I've learned over the past several weeks. First, I am easily distracted and second, I have no time management skills.  Let me explain...

Early in August my sister was on and came across a deal to a local crossfit gym.  It included 3 intro classes and unlimited classes for one month.  She and my mother decided to give it a whirl.  They liked it and encouraged me to give it a shot, so I did.  It kicked my butt 10 ways to Sunday.  The day after my first real workout I wanted to curl up in a ball and die.  There were places on me hurting that I didn't even know existed.  My sister had been going for two weeks before I started.  Every time we would have a work out together she would say "This is by far the hardest yet".  I learned quickly that there was no such thing as an easy workout with crossfit.  I learned to love the butt kickings I got when I went.  The trainers were great.  The atmosphere was inviting and not so itimidating after a couple sessions.  If you live in the Greenwood Indiana area and have $100 a month to drop, I highly recommend IXF Crossfit.  Everyone there is fantastic.  My groupon deal ended and I had to decide if I was going to continue at the gym, which was amazing but out of my budget and a 35 minute drive one way, or if I was going to motivate myself to do this at home.  I chose the later.  My husband, who is very manly and attractive :), decided he would be my workout partner.   After a few craigslist and purchases we have our at home gym.

My manly husband (sorry about the blurry pic!)

So far it's worked out well.  We have enough equipment to get us started.  Hopefully we will be able to expand it as time goes on.  

So if that wasn't enough to distract me from my blogging lets add in training for a 5K....

Run or dye with cousin Katie!  So much fun!!

Throw in a couple singing gigs.......

Me and my dad!!  He is the best!

on top of everyday life and there you have it.  I have the best of intentions with scheduling out my week and usually that all falls apart.  

I do hope to include some of my workouts into the blog.  I considered doing a weekly weigh in to post every Wednesday.  What better way to get motivated than to show off your weight to the entire world???  We shall see!  Thanks for your patience!  I'll be working on the time management/distracted nature and hopefully you'll be seeing more from me!