Friday, October 4, 2013

Homestead Update

Quick Homestead Update!!!

1.  Our garden is pretty much done for the year except for some fall broccoli that is finishing up.  They aren't doing as well as our spring plants, but we may get a head or two from the 15 fall plants.  We froze several quart size bags of snow peas, broccoli and green beans.  We  also managed to can some tomatoes, pickles and jalapeno jelly which will last us until the next canning season.  We also have a bunch of jalapenos to slice and can, so hopefully that will happen soon.

2.  Egg production has been slow over the past 2 months, but is now starting to pick up!  A couple of our new chickens have started laying and more are going to begin to lay soon.  I know this for two reasons.  1)  They have been sitting in the laying boxes and 2) The rooster has been violently assaulting them on a regular basis which is a good sign yet very disturbing at the same time.  Hopefully within the next 2 months we should have a good supply of eggs!!

3.  Our busy bees are doing ok.  One hive has really taken off and we expect it to thrive through the winter.  The other two are not doing as well.  My husband is going to continue to feed them sugar water so they can build up their winter honey supply.  I'm crossing my fingers they make it.  It would be amazing to end up with 250-300 pounds of honey next summer!!

4.  Our goats...or lack their of.  My husband is still not sold on the idea of goats.  I'm going to wear him down though.  If nothing else, they are completely adorable.  I wouldn't mind the milk either!

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